Sat, Jul
87 New Articles

In its latest decision of May 16, 2024 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) reflected on the Hungarian foreign VAT refund regime. ECJ established once again that non-compliance with formal requirements should not prevent reimbursement of VAT provided that substantive requirements can and have been satisfied.

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) ordered the National Revenue Agency (NRA) to repay default interest charged on precisely defined and fully paid advance corporate income tax instalments that were not declared.

The announcements made by the Hungarian Government on 8 July 2024 envisage a number of new and higher payment obligations, as well as other public taxes and restrictions, that will include a defence contribution, increased administrative fines, extra profit tax, changes to social contribution tax on entering the labour market, transaction and currency exchange levies

A bill amending certain laws affecting the functioning of the state was adopted by the Parliament in the middle of June 2024. The bill postpones again the entry into force of the new Land Registry Act to 15 January 2025. In addition, the bill amends provisions in several different areas of law (e.g. health, education, immigration).

On 17 June 2024 the Ministry of Finance published a draft law amending the Polish real estate tax (RET) regulations. The amendment is primarily aimed at adjusting Polish RET regulations to last year's verdicts of the Constitutional Tribunal (ref. SK 14/21 and SK 23/19) questioning the constitutionality of the existing regulations and repealing them with effect from the beginning of 2025. However, the proposed changes may also significantly affect the RET burden for entities from a wide range of business industries.

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