Sat, Jul
87 New Articles

With the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Remote Identification Methods to be Used by Banks and Establishment of the Contractual Relationship on Electronic Medium ["Amendment"] [available only in Turkish] published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency ["BRSA"] in the Official Gazette dated 25.05.2023 and numbered 32201, the scope of persons who may use remote identification services has been expanded.

With the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Companies Whose Shares Will Be Traded on the Venture Capital Market [II-16.3] [“Communiqué”] published in the Official Gazette on 18.5.2023, the procedures and principles regarding the sale of non-public joint stock companies to qualified investors for trading in the stock exchange came into effect.

The Aksan Law Firm has advised Simya VC on its investment in Werover, in a USD 400,000 round that also included angel investors Semiramis Kulak and Arman Koklu.