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2017 Corporate Counsel Handbook Is Out Now

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Chief Legal Officers know how demanding their jobs are. They have to create and manage effective teams, retain and instruct external counsel, advise their employers on strategic decisions, and implement new technology, all while putting out 20 fires a day.

Some of them work in states of national emergency or economic crisis. Others are forced to lay-off valued team members or otherwise cut costs while maintaining — or improving — their level of service. None of them have it easy.

As part of our continuing effort to provide assistance to those Chief Legal Officers — whether working as General Counsel, Head of Legal, or some other title — we are pleased to announce the publication of the 2017 Corporate Counsel Handbook. For this year's Handbook, which is made possible by Slaughter & May, Wolf Theiss, CMS, and Orban & Perlaki, we invited leading senior in-house attorneys across Central and Eastern Europe to share their advice, instructions, and recommendations with their peers. The result is 96 pages of valuable information, provided by those who know the challenges and demands of the in-house legal role most intimately.

The issue is at the printer now and hard copies will be sent out to subscribers next week. Non-subscribers can obtain copies hard copies by contacting us directly. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the electronic version here. You'll be glad you did.

And if you would like to learn more on these topics and many others, make sure to join us on June 1-2 in Warsaw for our 3rd CEE General Counsel Summit.

Wolf Theiss at a Glance

With over 360 lawyers in 13 countries, over 80% of the firm’s work involves cross-border representation of international clients. We have concentrated our energies on a unique part of the world: the complex, fast-developing markets of the CEE/SEE region. Through our international network of offices, we work closely with our clients to develop innovate solutions that integrate legal, financial, and business know-how.

Wolf Theiss provides fully integrated corporate services in mergers and acquisitions, private equity, real estate, banking and finance, tax and insurance, employment law, competition law, energy law, privatisation, restructuring, public procurement and litigation. At Wolf Theiss, we measure our success by the success of our clients. We align our goals with yours to ensure that your needs are being met in even the most complex of cross-border matters. This means that we know how to listen to you and help you use the assets you already have while finding opportunities.

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Wolf Theiss – Leading Lawyers in CEE/SEE