Head of Tax Advisory and Wealth Management Akos Barati has been promoted to a Partner position with Jalsovszky in Budapest.
Kinstellar Announces New Firm-Wide Practice and Sector Leadership Appointments
Kinstellar has announced several appointments to firm-wide practice and sector leadership positions, including Partner Csilla Andreko in Budapest, Partner Iustinian Captariu and Special Counsel Magda Raducanu in Bucharest, Managing Partner Milos Velimirovic in Belgrade, Managing Partner Lukas Sevcik and Counsel Jan Lehky in Prague, and Managing Associate Lukas Mrazik in Bratislava.
Andrea Zinober Makes Partner at BPV Huegel
Andrea Zinober has been appointed a Partner with BPV Huegel in Austria.
Peter Berethalmi Joins Lakatos Koves & Partners
Former Nagy & Trocsanyi Managing Partner Peter Berethalmi has joined Lakatos Koves & Partners as a Counsel. Joining LKT alongside him is former Nagy & Trocsanyi Attorney at Law Zsuzsanna Regina Lukacs.
Christian Joellinger Joins E+H as Partner in Vienna
Former Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Attorney at Law Christian Joellinger has joined E+H in Vienna as a Partner.
Mihai Morar and Mihai Lemnaru Make Partner at Albu Morar
Mihai Morar and Mihai Lemnaru have been promoted to Partner positions with Albu Morar.
Camelia Patrascu Makes Partner at Popovici Nitu Stoica & Asociatii
Former Managing Associate Camelia Patrascu has been promoted to a Partner position with Popovici Nitu Stoica & Asociatii in Bucharest.
Valeriu Cernei Makes Partner at Gladei & Partners
Former Senior Associate Valeriu Cernei has been promoted to a Partner position with Gladei & Partners in Chisinau.
Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners Launches New Digital Services Practice
Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has announced it is launching a new Digital Services practice.
Drakopoulos Joins South East Legal Alliance
Drakopoulos has become a part of the South East Legal Alliance, thus expanding the network’s reach to Athens, Bucharest, and Nicosia.
Musat & Asociatii Mints Three New Partners and Appoints New Deputy Managing Partner
Dan Minoiu has become a new Deputy Managing Partner at Musat & Asociatii, while Ana Maria Abrudan, Mateea Codreanu, and Stefan Diaconescu have all been promoted to Partner positions.
Slawomir Kowalski Joins Daniel Jastrun in Founding JustLaw in Warsaw
Former Maruta Wachta Partners Daniel Jastrun and Slawomir Kowalski have teamed up to launch their new boutique law firm specializing in the digital sector in Warsaw: JustLaw Jastrun Kowalski.
Masa Kramar, Eva Rop, Matija Urankar, and Marusa Senica Make Partner at Senica
Masa Kramar, Eva Rop, Matija Urankar, and Marusa Senica have all been promoted to Partner positions with the Senica law firm in Ljubljana.
Monica Constantinescu Joins Aptiq Legal as Partner
Iasi-based Monica Constantinescu has joined Aptiq Legal in Romania as a Partner.
Cristina de Jonge, Nicolae Ursu, and Iulia Dragomir Make Partner at BPV Grigorescu Stefanica
Former Managing Associates Cristina de Jonge, Nicolae Ursu, and Iulia Dragomir have been promoted to Equity Partners at BPV Grigorescu Stefanica.
Kinga Laszlo-Bolcskei Makes Partner at Ban, S. Szabo, Rausch & Partners
Kinga Laszlo-Bolcskei has been promoted to a Partner position with Ban, S. Szabo, Rausch & Partners in Budapest.
Gokce Ildiri Cosguner Makes Partner at Kolcuoglu Demirkan Kocakli
Gokce Ildiri Cosguner has been promoted to a Partner position with Kolcuoglu Demirkan Kocakli in Istanbul.
Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatuzyte-Muleviciene Make Partner at Walless
Lithuania's Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatuzyte-Muleviciene have been appointed as Partners at Walless.