Ellex has advised Payhawk Financial Services on obtaining an electronic money institution license from The Bank of Lithuania.
Busy Month in the World of Legislation: Multiple Judicial Acts Have Been Amended
Substantial changes have been introduced by Act XXXI of 2023 amending several acts on judicial matters. The new law has been passed in the beginning of June 2023, however most of its provisions enter into force at a later date.
New Provisions on Private Electronic Documents from 1 January 2024
From 1 January 2024, new provisions of the act on general rules on electronic administration and trust services (“E-administration Act”) will enter into force which aim to resolve the legal uncertainty over the interpretation of the written form of private electronic documents.
Everlegal Becomes Partner of USAID/ENGAGE in Ukraine
Everlegal has become the legal partner of the USAID/ENGAGE program – funded by USAID and implemented by Pact in Ukraine – in an educational project aiming to provide legal support to civil society organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and the citizens of Ukraine on martial law and other regulatory changes introduced during the war.
Karanovic & Partners Advises Marriott International on Opening Moxy Hotel in Belgrade
Karanovic & Partners has advised Marriott International on the development and opening of its first Moxy hotel in Belgrade, Serbia.
Glatzova & Co Helps INU.COM Secure Investment Intermediary License
Glatzova & Co has successfully represented INU.COM in licensing proceedings before the Czech National Bank, with the company being granted an investment intermediary license effective June 17, 2023.
Komnenic & Partners Advises MEnergy on 385-Megawatt Grid Connection Agreement with Montenegrin TSO
Komnenic & Partners has advised MEnergy on the grid connection agreement with the Montenegrin transmission system operator for a 385-megawatt solar power plant in Cevo.