In import-export transactions across Europe, it is common for sellers to protect the assets they have sold by retaining the ownership title until the buyer has paid the full purchase price. Retention of title allows sellers to reclaim the assets if the buyer fails to pay, and even if the buyer goes bankrupt before payment is made. In Hungary, however, such an arrangement can lead to unpleasant surprises for sellers.
News from This Year's Permanent Consultation Forum of the Private Sector and the Government
Negotiations on next year's wages started at the beginning of October 2023, with stakeholders - employers and trade unions representing workers - and the government as an observer taking part in the wage negotiations, which can last several weeks.
Legislative Proposal on National Data Assets
A legislative proposal has been submitted in November 2023 on the system of utilization of national data assets. The primary objective of the proposal is to ensure the applicability of the data governance regulation in Hungary and to make the existing laws on secondary usage of the national data assets coherent in a regulatory environment. The scope of the proposal covers services related to the use of data processed by public authorities, the performance of other related public tasks and data collection and analysis in support of government decision-making.
The EU Takes a Tough Stance on Foreign Subsidies
Under the EU's Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), companies must notify the European Commission in advance of certain acquisitions, mergers or large public procurement transactions if the groups of companies involved have received financial contributions from outside the EU. Compiling the notification and gathering the necessary information can be a heavy administrative burden for companies, and failure to do so can result in fines of up to 10% of the group's worldwide turnover.
New Bill on the Entry and Residence of Third-Country Nationals in Hungary
On 14 November 2023, the Hungarian Government presented a new bill on the entry and residence of third-country nationals in Hungary.
Hungary Takes Next Step Towards Introduction of Global Minimum Tax
The Hungarian Ministry of Finance published its draft legislation for the implementation of the global minimum tax rules in Hungary for public consultation in October 2023. The package also contained some limited reasoning and impact assessment and stakeholders had one week to comment on the proposal.
More Financial Information to be Disclosed by Hungarian Companies in the Register
In order to boost corporate lending and thus increase economic competitiveness, the legislator recently implemented changes to the Hungarian Companies Act. From 1 January 2024, companies will have to provide additional information about the finances of the company in the registration or modification procedures. In this article, we summarize the new rules and the related deadlines.
AegisLegal and Kalman & Partners Advise on Biggeorge REIT Listing on Budapest Stock Exchange
AegisLegal and Kalman & Partners have advised Biggeorge REIT Nyrt on the successful listing of its shares on the Budapest Stock Exchange. Duda & Csako reportedly also advised on the listing.
Deloitte Legal Advises Shopper Park Plus on Budapest Stock Exchange Share Issuance
Deloitte Legal has advised Shopper Park Plus on its euro-denominated share issuance on the Budapest Stock Exchange. Huempfner & Associates and Allen & Overy reportedly advised on the matter as well.
Kinstellar Advises Jacquet Metals on Acquisition of Several Companies from Swiss Steel Group
Kinstellar, working with Veil Jourde, has advised Jacquet Metals on its acquisition of several distribution companies from the Swiss Steel Group. Niederer Kraft Frey and Roedl & Partner reportedly advised the Swiss Steel Group.
Wolf Theiss Advises VIG on Increasing Stake in VIG Magyarorszag to 90%
Wolf Theiss has advised the Vienna Insurance Group on the increase of its stake in Hungarian holding company VIG Magyarorszag from 55% to 90%, by acquiring the extra stake from Hungarian state holding company Corvinus. PK & Partners reportedly advised Corvinus.
Linda Al Sallami Makes Partner at Deloitte Legal in Hungary
Deloitte Legal Hungary Head of Banking, Finance, and Capital Markets Linda Al Sallami has recently been appointed a Partner at the firm, effective September 1, 2023.
2023 Is a Late Bloomer in Hungary: A Buzz Interview with Agnes Bejo of Jalsovszky
From the deceptive quiet of early 2023 to a summer bustling with legal reforms and taxing challenges, Jalsovszky Partner Agnes Bejo sheds light on pivotal developments in Hungary ranging from the EU-mandated whistleblowing system to changes in the trust system, environmental responsibilities, and the shifting investment climate in the country.
New Hungarian Cybersecurity Laws Introduce Important Obligations – The Countdown Begins
From 1 January 2024, companies operating in Hungary will face new significant cyber security related obligations under the Hungarian legislation implementing the EU NIS2 Directive. In this short article, we describe which companies will be affected by the new regulation and what are the most important tasks in the new year.
CMS and Baker McKenzie Advise on Refinancing of MOL Group's 2017 EUR 750 Million Multicurrency Revolving Credit Facility
CMS has advised coordinator and facility agent Raiffeisen Banking Group on the EUR 600 million nine-banking-group club multicurrency revolving credit facility for the MOL Group. Baker McKenzie advised the MOL Group on the deal. CMS also acted as transaction counsel on MOL's JPY 14.6 billion bilateral revolving credit facility and its EUR 50 million bilateral EUR/CNY revolving credit facility.
Mandatory Deposit Refund System starts in Hungary in 2024
Mandatory Deposit Refund System (DSR) comes into effect as of 1 January 2024 in Hungary. The newly introduced legislation clarifies the key points of the system and the specific obligation of the parties concerned.
30 Days for Hungarian SMEs to Create a Whistleblowing System
The Hungarian Whistleblower Protection Act has entered into force this July. While bigger companies have to operate the internal whistleblowing system since the above date, medium sized businesses (50-250 employees) were given a prolonged period until the 17th of December 2023 to implement the reporting channel. Since the deadline is approaching, we summarize how Hungarian SMEs can comply with the Act.
Lakatos Koves and Partners Advises Nova Post on Hungarian Market Entry
Lakatos Koves and Partners has advised Ukrainian postal and courier company Nova Post on corporate and regulatory aspects of its Hungarian market entry and the opening of its first Hungarian branch.